andi and grim (1725361)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (412 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Galaxy Eyes
Published Aug 6, 2008
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About Me
Hiya! Welcome to my profile, feel free to download, thank and comment on some of my stuff, I don't really bite....much! Nah I'm fine really, as long as you're not a care bear I don't bite and if the pic of me as a fairy scares you then you should see me first thing in the morning! Its not real blood its fake so dont panic. Well I am an emo and I LOVE LOVE LOVE My Chemical Romance, they are so cool! I have five pet guinea pigs one called Grim Reaper (I can't belive that guy in TS2 and TS1 if you have Livin' large stole his name!) and called Ray named after Ray Toro from MCR hes the lead guitarst (I can't spell it)one called Vampire, shes albino and she will be breed with Grim around June, another called Mikey named after Mikey Way from MCR and the last called Vemon named after a song by MCR called Thank You For The Vemon! In my free time I'm teaching my self to play acoustic guitar. The rest of the time I'm doing TS2 stuff, I wish I was a Slect Artist (SA) but my stuff probally isn't good enough and I have never had anything featured, but I have loads of unforfilled dreams, they don't matter I just get on with it! Have fun! Love from Andi, Grim, Ray, Vampire, Mikey and Vemon!!!
I'm so emo I punched a care bear!
My Latest Updates Show All
Grim is no more.Written Dec 25, 2008
I've been working on what to type to tell you all this, most of you know why my user name is 'andi and grim' from the old days before I had a mini-site, Grim was my first pet guinea pig and I was really close to him and he was always there for me in his cage when I was sad. He had been ill for a few days. I think it might have been the same cancer my dad has, with my dad's cancer he had... ...More
DeathWritten Oct 03, 2008
I went outside yesterday to Ray's hutch and noticed how cold it was, so I moved him into the back portch to sheild him from the bitter wind. He hadn't drank very much water and he was freezeing cold. Then about an hour ago I went out to feed him and I was putting his food in the bowl thinking "Ray's sure quiet." I opened the hucth and when I didnt hear moveing I put my hand in and found his... ...More
CancerWritten Jun 07, 2008
My dad's cancer has comeback again. He was diagnosed around Christmas 2006 after about 3 years of him being in pain, at first the doctors thaught it was piles, he was taken in for an op then they discoverd something that changed my family forever, he had cancer. They had to operate and he ended up with bags to collects his waste. Then they found another tumor in his liver and he had part of his... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
WelshWitchOct 23, 2012
Sends a witchy wave
peepers42Jun 20, 2011
Hey, Been trying tu recoup 2 surgeries on my back in 3months whew! Pain in the,,,
I got new grandson b. 6-23-2010. beautiful! will be back soon
DOTApr 24, 2011
~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~